"Entering Sinopec Green Enterprises" activity held in ZRCC

  OnMay 14, the interview activity of "Entering Sinopec GreenEnterprises" was held in ZRCC, which is the first stop for interviewactivities in Jiangsu and Zhejiang region. The representatives of 18 newsmedia, including Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily and China News Agency,focused on the production front line, jointly seeked the green footprint andshared the green charm.

  Atthe meeting, Mr. Zhang Yuming, ZRCC CEO & Party Secretary, expressed in hisspeech that ZRCC always pursues harmonious coexistence to make the ecologybetter and consume less, and strives to build the world's leading greenpetrochemical base so as to make people's lives better. 

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