Egrets Fly into Headquarters Building

Egrets Fly into Headquarters Building

On the morning of April 23, to the surprise of employees working in the headquarter, a bird nest appeared on the screen at the north side of the building. Oh, that is the live video of Egret Park at ZRCC refinery. The video will cast the morning and afternoon scenarios when egrets are most active.

Egret is known as the ecology inspector and very sensitive to the environment. It is mainly thanks to the good ecological environment and complete food chain in ZRCC that the egret chose here as its home.

The purpose of live video of ZRCC’s Egret Park at the headquarters building is to show the result and determination of Sinopec’s concern about the environmental protection to the public, and demonstrate that the harmonious coexistence of human and natural, plant and ecology, economy development and environmental protection can be achieved. This is also a signal of appealing for united action within Sinopec to take ZRCC as the example to pay more attention to environmental protection for Blue Sky and Clear Water.

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