High Value-added Product Yield of ZRCC’s Ethylene Plant Hit Record High
In January, the yield of high value-added products of ZRCC’s ethylene plant reached 62.16%, which is a record high and stands at the leading position of the ethylene plants of its kind.
In order to optimize the ethylene feedstock, ZRCC spent great efforts to increase the gas ratio of the feedstock and improve the naphtha quality. As a result, the gas ratio increased to 30% from 25% and the naphtha ratio dropped to 49% from 58%. Meanwhile, analytical comparison was done among all naphtha streams from different sources, so as to store the naphtha according to its quality and high quality naphtha can be fed to the ethylene plant. At present, the paraffin content of naphtha is increased to 73.66% from 66.87% in last year, which is a very good feed to ethylene plant.