ZRCC Emissions Reduction Program to Safeguard the Sky
It’s introduced that these 22 projects involve revamp of flue gas DeSOx & DeNOx, VOC vent treatment, oil vapour recovery, odour treatment, and revamp of waste water treatment plant, etc. Furthermore, each investment for 5 projects of these, such as the 3000KTA FCC flue gas DeSOx & DeNOx, the refinery power station revamp for DeSOx & DeNOx and waste water treatment plant revamp, has exceeded 100 million Yuan. After the completion of these projects, the SO2 emission can be reduced by 7200 tons, which equals to planting 4800 mu trees every year; the NOx emission can be reduced by 5100 tons, which equals to the total exhaust emissions of 240,000 vehicles; dust emission reduced by 700 tons and VOC emissions reduced by 2000 tons.