Sinopec
Subsidiaries
in
Zhejiang
Province
Hold
News
Media
Talkfest
in
Hangzhou
-
On
November
10,
Sinopec
subsidiaries
in
Zhejiang
province
held
news
media
talkfest
in
Hangzhou.
Deputy
director
of
the
department
of
ideological
and
political
work
Yu
Mingkang,
Vice
Minister
of
Publicity
Department
of
Zhejiang
Province
Bao
Hongjun,
leaders
of
Sinopec
subsidiaries
in
Zhejiang
province
and
nearly
leaders
and
journalists
from
major
central
news
agencies
in
Zhejiang
and
provincial
and
municipal
media
gathered
to
celebrate
the
11th
Festival
of
Chinese
journalists
and
talk
about
friendly
cooperation.
general
manager
Jiang
Zhenhong,
party
secretary
Chen
Jiang
and
vice
general
manager
Zhang
Yuming
were
present
in
the
talkfest.
Yuming
Kang
expected
media
friends
to
create
favorable
public
opinion
environment
for
Sinopec’s
rapid
development
and
make
positive
publicity.
Zhejiang
Xinhua
bureau
chief
Guo
Xianwen,
Zhejiang
Daily
Group
chief
editor
Li
Dan,
Zhejiang
Radio
and
Television
Group
deputy
chief
editor
Shi
Quan
ming
said
in
their
speeches
that
through
exchange
with
leaders
of
Sinopec
subsidiaries
they
strengthened
understanding
of
Sinopec
and
its
Zhejiang
branches.
They
said
they
would
cooperate
with
Sinopec
and
create
a
favorable
public
opinion
environment
for
Sinopec’s
rapid
development.