Propels
Energy
Conservation
through
Integration
of
Refining
&
Chemical
-
With
respect
to
the
new
pattern
formed
through
the
integration
of
refining
&
chemical
after
the
completion
of
the
ethylene
project,
optimized
the
whole
production
units
to
facilitate
the
energy
conservation.
From
Jan.
to
Aug.
of
this
year,
the
comprehensive
energy
consumption
of
refining
achieved
68.51kg
standard
oil
per
ton
of
product,
a
drop
of
11.27%
from
the
same
period
of
the
previous
year.
-
As
the
largest
refining
&
chemical
company
of
China,
has
made
great
efforts
to
arrange
the
production
schedule
this
year,
such
as
stop
urea
production
since
April
to
create
conditions
for
its
refinery
to
keep
the
Hydrogen
Unit
out
of
service;
furthermore,
the
make-up
hydrogen
compressor
in
Diesel
Hydrotreating
Unit
is
basically
out
of
service
due
to
using
the
pressure
energy
of
hydrogen
from
Fertilizer,
which
is
estimated
to
reduce
the
energy
consumption
by
249,000
tons
standard
coal
this
year.
After
start-up
of
the
ethylene
plant,
comprehensively
propels
the
optimization
among
each
unit
so
as
to
successively
shut
down
a
number
of
compressors
to
lower
the
energy
consumption.
-
Power
consumption
is
one
of
the
major
energy
consumption
for
refining
&
chemical
company,
and
the
power
consumption
in
refining
section
accounts
for
more
than
20%
of
its
total
energy
consumption.
For
the
purpose
of
reducing
power
consumption,
established
a
dedicated
power
conservation
technical
innovation
group
and
took
some
measures,
i.e.
newly
installing
or
relocating
the
frequency
converters,
improving
the
heat
integration
of
unit
streams,
etc.
As
a
result,
from
Jan.
to
Aug.
of
this
year,
the
power
consumption
per
ton
crude
oil
processed
in
refining
section
of
achieved
40.95
KWh,
which
decreased
by
7.05
compared
to
the
same
period
in
with
a
decrement
of
16.7%.
In
this
year,
the
power
consumption
reduction
has
accumulated
to
101.28
million
KWh,
and
the
production
cost
has
decreased
by
58.74
million
Yuan,
which
enable
to
take
the
leading
position
in
Sinopec
as
far
as
the
power
consumption
per
ton
crude
oil
processed
in
refining
section
is
concerned.
Steam
consumption
per
ton
oil
of
increases
with
years
as
the
production
scale
expands.
It
is
difficult
to
balance
production
and
demand
of
steam.
Focusing
on
steam
saving,
the
company
reduces
steam
consumption
per
ton
oil
from
two
years
ago,
121.7kg/ton,
to
at
present,
85.7kg/ton,
a
decrease
of
29.6%,
actual
amount
of
total
steam
consumption
decreases
by
399,000
tons
while
crude
oil
throughout
increases
by
6.0%,
with
direct
economic
benefit
of
43,900,000.
-
In
order
to
promote
energy
conservation
and
consumption
reduction,
compares
indicators
of
every
discipline
with
international
and
domestic
advanced
level,
works
hard
to
improve
control
level
of
energy
conservation
and
consumption
reduction.
The
company
organizes
several
rounds
of
technology
tackling
for
energy
conservation,
cost-reduction
and
profit
increase.
Diagnoses
energy
usage
in
the
operating
departments,
and
takes
measures.
From
January
to
August
of
this
year,
the
company
saves
energy
over
0.99
kg
standard
oil
per
ton
through
optimization
management.
-
also
further
strengthens
evaluation
of
energy-saving
and
monthly
breaks
down
energy
saving
indicators,
carries
out
energy-saving
competitions
and
energy-saving
reward
activity.
At
present,
the
company
takes
measures
of
energy
conservation
and
consumption
reduction,
which
can
save
21,200
tons
standard
oil
when
put
into
effect.
-
According
to
statistics,
from
January
to
August
of
this
year,
realizes
energy
consumption
of
0.587
ton
standard
coal
per
ten
thousand
yuan
output
value,
and
decreases
by
153,900
tons
compared
with
the
same
period
of
last
year
according
to
the
same
calculation
method.