The
Company’s
three
manuals
of
“Three
systems”
are
issued
and
implemented
officially
The
Company
convened
mobilization
meeting
on
the
issue
and
implement
of
“Three
systems”
on
the
afternoon
of
June
25.The
meeting
declared
official
publication
of
three
manuals
of
“Three
systems”.
It
is
a
memorable
event
of
the
Company.
It
is
also
a
very
grand
affair
in
the
Company’s
business
management.
It
marks
a
landmark
achievement
in
the
construction
of
“Three
systems”
management
framework.
At
the
meeting,
Jiang
Zhenghong,general
manager
and
secretary
of
party
committee,
summarized
the
work
of
“Three
systems”
.He
said,
based
on
the
summarization
and
extraction
of
more
than
thirty
years
of
management
experience,
the
Company
has
established
construction
goal
of
“Three
systems”
managenemnt
framework.Taking
duty
division,
procedure,
and
rules
and
regulations
as
the
centre,the
Company
realized
support
of
many
management
systems
with
a
set
of
system
text,
and
transition
from
“human-orientation
to
text-orientation”.
Through
the
construction
of
“Three
systems”,
normalized
and
standardized
management
atmosphere
has
gradually
created
in
the
Company.A
new
system
of
process
control
and
closed
management
has
preliminarily
established.It
effectively
drives
various
enterprise
work
into
a
new
step.