Party
secretary
of
Ningbo
municipality
inspects
On
August
,Bayingchalu,
party
secretary
of
Ningbo
municipality
inspected
accompanied
by
officials
from
departments
concerned.
He
visited
refinery
complex
and
ethylene
construction
site.
On
behalf
of
Ningbo
Party
committee
and
municipality,
he
expressed
his
gratitude
to
for
it’s
contribution
to
boosting
local
economy.
He
also
asked
Ningbo
municipal
authorities
concerned
and
Zhenhai
party
committee
and
district
authority
to
collaborate
wit
h
to
build
a
eco-friendly
environment,
peaceful
security
environment,
safe
production
environment,
excellent
service
environment
to
make
sure
a
smooth
advancing
of
the
ethylene
project.
He
also
stressed,“
though
there
are
difficulties
and
challenges
along
with
the
development
progress,
as
long
as
we
are
confident
and
united
and
courageous
to
meet
difficulties
and
challenges
,
i
believe
that
will
be
prosperous
in
the
future
and
its
development
goal
will
be
achieved.